Batch of day old chicks

Many diifferent breeds avaible for order


Avalible from 2.5 euro each. Minimum order of 6.

Caring for day old chicks

Day old chicks will need a infra red heat lamp that will cost an average of 10 euros, without this they have  alot smaller chance of living. Sold in carboard chick boxes.
Rhode Island Red: 4 euros each
Light Sussex:        4 euros each
Golden Brahma:   4 euros each
Silkie:                 3.5 each
Wyandotte:         4 euros each
Orpington:          4 euros each
Speckled Sussex: 4 euros each
Pekin(all colours)  3 each
Basic Hybred( Brown hens):3 euros each
Khaki Campbell: 3.5 each
AylesburyxPekin:3.5 each
Muscovy:           3.5 each
Chocolate Muscovy: 6.5 each
Call Duck:           3.5 euros each
Abacot Ranger:    4 euros each
Indian Runner:    3.5 each
Cayuga              3.5 each