Aylesbury X Pekin ducks.

 These are more of a table bird, they grow fast but do not lay until they are about 30 weeks of age, instead of 21 weeks for other breeds. They can suffer from leg problems though as they are very heavy. They can make good hatchers. I do not usually breed these as they suffer from leg problems quite often. They lay large white eggs. These are crossed with the pekin duck and the aylesbury duck. They make a good table bird.

Khaki Campbell

These are a very good laying duck, they ly on average about 300 eggs a year, they do not make good hatchers and will only lay. They also cme in a white version. The drakes are the same colur as the uck, but have a green head. They don't make good table birds as they are very thin. They need lots of water to splash around in.

Abacot Ranger

These are a very rare breed of duck also making a very good layer of 250 eggs plus per year, they can also make good hatchers.

Call Ducks

These are strictly ornamental ducks, they do not lay many eggs, but only enough to hatch. They recieved there name because they can be knowing to make alot of noise. They have a different sound when it comes to quaking. They will only breed well if naturally bred, e.g a duck or hen sits on the eggs instead of an incubator. Suprisenly for there size they lay a reasonable sized egg which is white in colour, they will only lay about a dozen and then hatch them, but if left not to hatch thay can lay alot more. They come in a range of colours including white, blue bibbed, black bibbed, chocolate and many more as well as the non standerd colours like black.